Follow Contest

We promised you: surprises never end. We "pop up" on various social networks like mushrooms after a spring drizzle, and from time to time we get new ideas to involve - and hopefully entertain - the participants. On this page you will find a summary of all (or almost) the sites where you can follow us. Don't think that these are repetitions: a "serial story" appears on Facebook in which we imagine that our cat tells the story "behind the scenes" of the creation and evolution of the competition; on Instagram there are literary "pearls"; on Spreaker and on our website there is a podcast with daily literary suggestions and interviews with important figures for the competition; on TikTok we're having fun offering you literary quizzes (do you recognize the incipit or the name of the protagonists of famous novels?).

We're not done yet: there's still a long way to go, before August 31st, and ideas look like bubbles in a glass of sparkling wine: some have already risen to the surface, others are waiting to "ripen.

Don't stop following us and, if you plan to participate, don't miss the gifts for those who send stories well in advance!

The episodes of the podcast dedicated to the competition

(in italian)

The "tale" of the competition seen by "our" cat

(in italian)

Daily "Tips"

(in italian)


(in italian)